Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hair Styles For Women in 50s

With age comes the aging process. Cell regeneration slows down and this causes changes to our bodies that in some cases are more noticeable in different parts than others.

Hair Styles For Women in 50sFor the woman who is in her fifties and over, the aging process is more noticeable. Firstly with your hair and then your face. As cell regeneration slows its process our skin becomes paler and looses the shine we had in our youth. Cell regeneration in our hair causes each strand to turn white that gives us that greying look.

Hair Styles For Women in 50sGrey hair can create an effect where on first inspection you believe you are thinning on top of your head and going bald. This is a natural reaction as the grey colour creates this effect.

Hair Styles For Women in 50s
Hair Styles For Women in 50sModern hairstyling techniques include cutting styles and colouring of the hair. With long grey hair it will become straight and look thin so a shorter haircut will provide more body as the weight is removed. Choosing a hair colour that is one shade lighter then your natural hair colour will blend with your paler skin and will not be so noticeable.

Using a technique called low-lighting can dramatically change the way you look. This technique is used by a hairstylist who will have several shades of your natural hair colour ready to dye each grey strand. The technique is gathering a section of the grey hair and applying a shade of the colour to each section that will result in an all over blending.

The hairstylist will colour up to ninety percent if not all of the grey hair. As each section or strands are coloured with a different shade the overall effect will be that it blends together to look natural. No one will say to you that they love your new colour as they will not notice any different other than you look fabulous.

When using low-lights a permanent colour is used and this means you will need a touch up every eight to twelve weeks, depending on how well you have been looking after your hair.

If you want to be more adventurous then cover up grey hair with bold rich colours such as copper or copper-gold for that wow factor that will get you noticed.

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